‘We try to follow Jesus in everything we do’

Reading Books

We do group reading with your child in School, developing book behaviour such as holding books

correctly and turning pages carefully, as well as recognising front and back covers and titles.

We then take a walk through the book, asking your child questions to help them understand it.

When reading  words, we encourage your child to point to them.

We hope that you will support us in reading with your child each day.  Please comment in the book provided on how well your child has done.

You are not restricted to just reading the books we provide as children need to eperience a variety of fact and fiction books.  Now is a great time to join your local library.

We send our books out on Fridays and would like you to return them on Mondays so that they are available to others.    Information and tips about enjoying books and reading have also.been sent home.

Remember to read for pleasure!

Happy Reading!  smiley




Get in Touch

St Margaret Mary's R.C. Primary School

St Margaret’s Road, New Moston, Manchester, M40 0JE

T: 01616811504

Outside Enquiries:contact@st-margaretmarys.manchester.sch.uk

Parental Enquiries:4.parents@st-margaretmarys.manchester.sch.uk

Parental Enquiries:admissions@st-margaretmarys.manchester.sch.uk

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